Slides of some conferences

      Analysis of doubly nonlinear evolution equations driven by nonconvex energies
      Charles University, Prague, 11.04.2011 PDF
      WED functionals for gradient flows in metric spaces: the convex case
      WIAS, Berlin, 23.02.2011 PDF
      On the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a chemical potential dependent mobility
      8th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Dresden, 25--28.05.2010 PDF
      Analysis of a rate-independent model for adhesive contact with thermal effects
      Charles University, Prague, 22.03.2010 PDF
      Analysis of a model for adhesive contact with thermal effects
      Workshop "Mathematical Models and Analytical Problems for Special Materials", Brescia, 09--11.07.2009 PDF
      Interplay of viscosity and dry friction in rate-independent evolutions with nonconvex energies
      WIAS, Berlin, 22.04.2009 PDF
      Interazione di norme L^2 e L^1 in evoluzioni rate-independent
      "XIX Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni", Levico, 08--13.02.2009 PDF
      Some results on the vanishing viscosity approximation of rate-independent problems
      Workshop "Modèles Mathématiques en science des matériaux", Poitiers, 12.06.2008 PDF
      A vanishing viscosity approach to rate-independent modelling in metric spaces
      Workshop "Rate-independence, Homogenization and Multiscaling", Pisa, 14--17.11.2007 PDF
      Equazioni doppiamente non lineari in spazi metrici
      Convegno "Giornate di Lavoro su Questioni di Teoria Geometrica della Misura e di Calcolo delle Variazioni", Levico, 04--09.02.2007 PDF
      Long-time behaviour of gradient flows in metric spaces
      WIAS, Berlin, 31.01.2007 PDF
      Existence and uniqueness results for a class of rate-independent hysteresis problems
      Convegno "European Conference on Smart Systems", Roma, 26--28.10.2006 PDF
      Global attractors for gradient flows in metric spaces
      Convegno "Recent advances in Free Boundary Problems and related topics", Levico, 14--16.09.2006 PDF
      Existence and long-time behaviour for gradient flows of non convex functionals
      Workshop "Dynamics of Phase Transitions", Berlin, 30.11--03.12 2005 PDF
      Well-posedness results for two classes of generalized viscous Cahn-Hilliard equations
      Convegno "Dissipative Models in Phase Transitions", Cortona, 06--10.09.2004 PDF
      Existence and uniqueness results for a class of quasivariational problems
      Convegno "Salò 2004. Modelli matematici e problemi analitici per materiali speciali", Salò, 15--17.07.2004 PDF
      Compactness results for evolution equations
      Convegno "Evolution Problems. In memory of Brunello Terreni", Rapallo, 26--27.03.2004 PDF
      Risultati di esistenza per modelli di campo di fase quasistazionari e gradient flows non convessi
      Convegno "XVII Congresso UMI", Milano, 08--13.09.2003 PDF
      Well-posedness and asymptotic analysis for a Penrose-Fife type phase field system
      Convegno "Salò 2003. Materiali speciali e memorie: Problemi modellistici e analitici", Salò, 03--05.07.2003 PDF